Original Oil & Pastel Paintings

Limited Edition Artist Enhanced Prints

Taos Pueblo Night Scenes
 Coloring Books by Valerie Graves

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Click to see Slide show of 38 Paintings by Valerie Graves
(appears in separate window)

Book Magical Seasons of New Mexico, Paintings by Valerie Graves
Limited Edition Etchings
Limited Edition Lithographs
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Trail of Painted Ponies Valerie Graves
Original Paintings
Available at:
Wilder Nightingale Fine Art
119 Kit Carson Road
Taos, NM 87571
(575) 758-3255
Birds&Wildlife Paintings BirdSongGallery.com Valerie Graves Coloring Books, Notecards & Bird & Wildlife Original Art,
Photographs, Notecards & Limited Edition Prints
All photos and graphics are under copyright by the artist. All Rights Reserved.
©Valerie Graves 1995-2019
ValerieGraves Posters

Poster entitled Blossoms & Shadows, signed by the artist, Valerie Graves. (Sold Out- Our apologies)

Poster entitled July Blossoms signed by the artist, Valerie Graves. (Sold Out- Our apologies)
Poster entitled The Magic of Taos,
signed by the artist, Valerie Graves. Paper size: height 19 inches, width 26 and three quarter inches.
Image size: height 17 and one quarter inches, width 26 and three quarter inches. (Sold Out- Our apologies)
The scenes in these wonderful
posters are located in the Taos Valley in Northern New Mexico, USA, an area with both beautiful landscapes and facinating peoples.
As well as being a world famous art center, Taos has a rich tri cultural heritage of arts, crafts and architecture.
Please see a great selection of beautiful, limited edition, artist enhanced prints and limited edition prints of gates, landscapes,
Indian scenes which are available at very reasonable prices Limited Edition Artist Enhanced Prints
and Fine Art Prints
A painting titled Twilight and Cottonwoods by Valerie Graves was chosen by the Taos Chamber of Commerce
for the 16th Annual Taos Fall Arts Festival. The poster sold out by the Chamber in record time.