The Book
"Magical Seasons of New Mexico,
Paintings by Valerie Graves "

Book Cover - "Book Magical Seasons of New Mexico, Paintings by Valerie Graves"
©Valerie Graves
The Book "Magical Seasons of New Mexico, Paintings by Valerie Graves." is a wonderful book for anyone who loves New Mexico in all of her magnificent seasons, and for anyone who admires Valerie Graves and her exceptional ability to capture the light and color of our beautiful state.
The book is full color 9" X 7" 80 pages, and has a great array of subjects- including landscapes in various seasons, Indian dances, gates and gardens, night scenes and more!
A Special, Signed, Limited Edition version of the book is also available, and includes a special Original Miniature painting by Valerie Graves! This edition numbers only 125.

Back Cover - "Magical Seasons of New Mexico, Paintings by Valerie Graves"
© Valerie Graves
Valerie Graves Art
©by Valerie Graves, All Rights Reserved
All paintings are under copyright by the artist.
Please do not use without permission!