Original Oil & Pastel Paintings

Limited Edition Artist Enhanced Prints

Taos Pueblo Night Scenes
 Coloring Books by Valerie Graves

Contact Us
Click to see Slide show of 38 Paintings by Valerie Graves
(appears in separate window)

Book Magical Seasons of New Mexico, Paintings by Valerie Graves
Limited Edition Etchings
Limited Edition Lithographs
Current Shipping Rates
Trail of Painted Ponies Valerie Graves
Original Paintings
Available at:
Wilder Nightingale Fine Art
119 Kit Carson Road
Taos, NM 87571
(575) 758-3255
Birds&Wildlife Paintings BirdSongGallery.com Valerie Graves Coloring Books, Notecards & Bird & Wildlife Original Art,
Photographs, Notecards & Limited Edition Prints
All photos and graphics are under copyright by the artist. All Rights Reserved.
©Valerie Graves 1995-2019
Contact Us  Blue gate & Cosmos © Valerie Graves Available as a Print
Please contact Wilder Nightingale Fine Art to inquire about purchasing original paintings and cards
Wilder Nightingale Fine Art
119 Kit Carson Road
Taos, NM 87571
(575) 758-3255
Thank you for looking, and if you come to Taos, please come to the Gallery on Kit Carson Road!
There is so much to see - we can only show you some of what is available online, and if you have never been to Taos
or Santa Fe, you have a real treat in store for you- you will have an unforgettable trip to a rich, multi-cultural, art,
music and craft-filled world with bright blue, luminescent skies and spectacular sunsets, and be surrounded by
breathtaking landscapes like Taos Sacred Mountain or the Sangre de Cristos or the Rio Grande Gorge,
and will be enchanted by our ancient adobe architecture and you will love, most of all, the varied cultures and kind people.

Wilder Nightingale Fine Art, Taos, New Mexico
Valerie Graves Art
Please contact the gallery and individual stores
who sell paintings, cards and prints by Valerie Graves
to ask about their shipping rates.
They are listed at the bottom of our home page under Contact Us
Thank you