Original Oil & Pastel Paintings

Limited Edition Artist Enhanced Prints

Taos Pueblo Night Scenes
 Coloring Books by Valerie Graves

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Click to see Slide show of 38 Paintings by Valerie Graves
(appears in separate window)

Book Magical Seasons of New Mexico, Paintings by Valerie Graves
Limited Edition Etchings
Limited Edition Lithographs
Current Shipping Rates
Trail of Painted Ponies Valerie Graves
Original Paintings
Available at:
Wilder Nightingale Fine Art
119 Kit Carson Road
Taos, NM 87571
(575) 758-3255
Birds&Wildlife Paintings BirdSongGallery.com Valerie Graves Coloring Books, Notecards & Bird & Wildlife Original Art,
Photographs, Notecards & Limited Edition Prints
All photos and graphics are under copyright by the artist. All Rights Reserved.
©Valerie Graves 1995-2019

ValerieGraves Etchings
All of the etchings are available for purchase. Each etching is $125 dollars
(unframed, unmatted), plus $15 for shipping within the USA. If you wish to have the etching matted, the price for each will be $135 dollars,
plus shipping. Sorry, we do not ship outside the USA. Thank You.
"San Juan Deer Dancers" ©Valerie Graves Animal dancers from San Juan Pueblo, New Mexico.
Black and raw sienna etching inks on Rives tan paper with sepia ink wash. Limited edition of 40, signed and numbered by the artist.
Paper size: height 13 inches, width 11 inches. Image size: height 9.25 inches, width 6.25 inches. $125
"Pueblo Morning, Taos Pueblo, New Mexico" ©Valerie Graves
Black and raw sienna etching inks on Rives tan paper with sepia ink wash. Limited edition of 40, signed and numbered by the artist.
Paper size: height 13 inches, width 11 inches. Image size: height 9.25 inches, width 6.25 inches. $125
"Joe Concha" ©Valerie Graves Joe Concha of Taos Pueblo, New Mexico. Faust
graphite and black etching ink on Rives BFK white paper (State 1) and Rives tan paper(State 2.) Limited edition of 25 on Rives white paper,
limited edition of 25 on Rives tan paper, each signed and numbered by the artist. Paper size: Height 10.5 inches, width 14.5 inches.
Image size: height 6 inches, width 9 inches. $125
"Passing Riders, Taos" ©Valerie Graves
Taos Pueblo Indian riders in Taos Valley. Black and raw sienna etching inks on Rives tan paper with sepia ink wash.
Limited edition of 40, signed and numbered by the artist. Paper size: height 11 inches, width 14 .5 inches.
Image size: height 5.25 inches, width 10.5 inches. SOLD OUT |
"Faith and Mystery" ©Valerie Graves
Shelves filled with saints in the Sanctuario de Chimayo Miracle Room in Chimayo, Northern New Mexico.
Faust sepia, magenta and raw sienna etching inks on Rives tan and Rives buff paper.
Limited edition of 20 on Rives buff paper, and limited edition of 20 on Rives tan paper,
each signed and numbered by the artist. Paper size: height 13 inches, width 11 inches. Image size: height 9 inches, width 6 inches. $125
"Rainy Day For Haying" ©Valerie Graves Faust graphite and black etching ink on Rives white paper.
limited edition of 15, signed and numbered by the artist. Paper size: height 11 inches, width 15 inches.
Image size: height 6 inches, width 9 inches. $125
Please write or e-mail your name and shipping address, tell us exactly what the version
(for example, buff or white paper, if applicable, of the etching you are ordering), and enclose your check or money order payable to Valerie Graves Art.
Thank You!
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